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Project Desk
Product Benefits
Deskshare's Project Desk requires no hardware, software or technical expertise.
Enhanced Communication
Project Desk is your own digital workplace that improves communication between your employees. Instead of using only email as a means of communication, people located across the globe as well as down the hall, can interact directly. Threaded discussions and document-sharing allow team members to collaborate effectively and create better products in lesser time.
Better Team Management
As the entire Project Desk application is web-based, it allows you to manage and control your project teams from anywhere, anytime. It makes it easy for you to supervise teams that could be spread all over the world.
Cost Effectiveness
As businesses become more global, project team members seem to be located in different areas of the world and business travel costs are soaring. Our application is designed to bring all project teams and project-related information together, in one central, online, organized workplace. Our mission as a company is to provide businesses with a flexible, easy and cost-effective collaborative platform for controlling project tasks and processes.
Access to Talent from across the globe
One of the chief capabilities of Project Desk is that it can be used by team members spread all over the globe, so it becomes very easy for you to tap crucial skills and talent from distant parts of the world.
No special hardware / software required
Since Project Desk is a totally web-based application, all you need to be able to use it is a sufficiently recent version of Internet Explorer / Netscape Navigator, and Internet access. You do not need to install any drivers or hardware.
Free and Comprehensive Technical Support
Our expert technical support team constantly strives to make it easier for the customer to use Project Desk for their project management needs. A tech support link is available within the application to ask questions, report errors, provide comments or suggestions and request customer service. Our exhaustive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) section is continuously updated to reflect all the latest upgrades and enhancements to the software.
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